in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Thursday 28th October, 2021


Text: “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.” Ephesians 4:15

There is a big difference between growing old and growing up. Growing old is a biological process that occurs as each day passes. Growing up is a function of internal development, it has to do with developing our thought life, attitude and internal control. Growing up has to do with self-discovery, discovering your innate potentials and putting to work your God given abilities. Growing up also has to do with taking responsibility for your actions and the outcome of your life.

Everybody grows old but not everyone grows up. There are so many able bodied adults that are still “childish” in so many ways. A grown up body is not the same as a grown up mind. Once a man is eating physical food daily the physical growth will continue and at the same time the man is growing old.
The direction of our growing up is into Christ in all things. I want you to note the emphasis of “...In all things...” The yardstick of a grown up believer is therefore the measure of what we see in Christ. A grown up believer therefore exhibits the mind and the character of Christ in all things.

Growing up has a lot to do with internal control. There are people who are only controlled by external forces. Such an individual is not grown up. Internal control helps a man to choose what is right and stay with it by all means. Someone with an internal control is never controlled by human opinion and conclusion. They choose what is right and they stay with it.

One vital aspect of growing up is discovery of who God has made us and we are confident about it. We don’t live to impress people any more but to please God. Pleasing God becomes the highest goal of our lives. What people say doesn’t affect you again because you already know what God says about you. A grown up believer is confident about God and about himself.

I am not just growing old; I am growing up. My entire life is patterned after Christ.

LEARN MORE : Ephesians 4:10-15

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