in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Friday 24th December, 2021


Text: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance; against such there is no law.” Gal 5:22

The measure and the quality of our Christian life are not determined by the rate of our attendance in Church. It’s not necessarily a function of how much miracles we have seen in the past or in the present. It’s neither a function of the size of our Bibles. Jesus clearly declared that by their “Fruits” you shall know them.
Every tree is known by its fruits. Merely looking at the leafs sometimes may be misleading, most especially for someone who is not used to the leaf. The fruits give us a clear indication of a tree. The mango tree cannot be mistaken for a cashew tree when we see the fruits.

This is how believers are supposed to be identified, by the fruit of the Spirit that is clearly seen in their lives. There is no reason why anyone should doubt if we are Christians or not. It should be so obvious. The fruit should be so visible in our lives that everyone that sees us is drawn to experience the same thing in their lives.

The fruits are a direct working of the Spirit of God within us in such a way that it flows from within us effortlessly. It’s not something we should struggle about. The mango tree should not be struggling to produce fruits. It’s a natural sequence. The Spirit of God has come to take resident in our lives; so that our lives will be a practical example of what the Christian life should be.
When the fruit of the Spirit shows up in our lives we’ll become a correct sign post to turn others to the Saviour and not away from him. Whether you realise it or not someone close to you is watching your life closely to see how you conduct your life. Since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ he helps to produce in our lives the character of Christ.

My life is the correct reflection of the character of Christ. My Conduct is pointing others to the Saviour.

LEARN MORE: Matt 7:16- 20

Father we declare that your power will accompany every copy of Inspiration devotional as its shared in January 2022. Luke 5:17

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