in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Monday 18th October, 2021


Text: “...Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not...” Luke 22:31-32

The faith of a man is a major weapon against the onslaught of the devil. What matter most in the day of challenge is the faith we have built prior to that challenge. Simon Peter was under a satanic attack but thank God his faith was preserved.

There are several lessons we can learn from this account. There was a time in the life of Peter that his faith was so high that he walked on water. We also saw how after a while that same faith began to fail. Having faith in a particular season of life does not mean the faith will always be there. We must ensure that we keep growing our faith and protecting it.
We also learn from the account of Peter that it’s possible for faith to fail. To ‘fail’ means to become ineffective and unproductive. Faith that is not developed and constantly improved upon will eventually fail. This is the reason why so many lives remain at the same level of spiritual productivity for long.

When a child is born and starts growing he may not require eating much. Simply because the child is not involved in too much activity. What a child of one (1) year old will eat will not be enough for ten (10) years old. This is also true of our faith. The faith we require at different levels of life are not the same. If you are doing a business of $10,000 the faith you require may not be as high as doing a business of $1,000,000. Faith fails when you want to use the faith of $10,000 business for a $1,000,000 business. Faith has to grow in proportion to the challenge we are to handle or else it will crumble. As we close for today I was to challenge you to be urgent and determined not to allow your faith to fail. Don’t just try to muster faith in emergency; most times it does not work that way. Let your faith be built ahead of challenges.

My faith is strong and working. By my faith i obtain good report in every area of my life.

LEARN MORE: Heb 11:1-6

 3 years ago 

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