in HeartChurch4 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Saturday 27th February, 2021


Text: “Then people will know the things that you do on the earth. People from every nation will know that you can save them.” Psalm 67:2 (EasyEnglish version)

Each one of us as believers is on earth on a divine mission. We are the extension of Christ on the earth. He lives in us and works through us to spread the knowledge of his glory everywhere.
God has a plan for all mankind, but not everybody knows about it, and that’s why David prayed to God to send us around the world to tell them. Has it dawned on you that this is your mission in this world? God wants you to fulfil this mission and accomplish His vision in the earth. Many live without a sense of purpose. You’re on a mission in the earth to do God’s work. The diamonds, gold and materials of this world have nothing to do with the reason God brought you to this world. He brought you to here to establish his kingdom through you; that’s your mission; to burn with the urgency and fervency of heart to preach the gospel.

You have a job here on earth. It’s called soul winning. This is one major reason you kept receiving God’s word. Already programmed in your spirit is the ability to do so. All God is asking you to do is to accept responsibility and just do what God has called you to do.

Nothing could be more honourable and worthy of eternal reward than a lifestyle that is dedicated to soul winning. You’re responsible for those in your sphere of contacts; they’re your field of operation! You are to reach them and touch them with the news of God’s saving power, and unveil to them his eternal purpose for their lives. It’s God’s eternal purpose to save, heal and deliver all men into their inheritance in Christ. As God’s children we are his missionaries, commissioned to take the message of his saving power to the ends of the earth. Please embrace your divine mission today.

In the name of Jesus I declare that I am an effective soul winner. My life is drawing multitudes into the kingdom.



LEARN MORE: 2 Cor 5;18-20

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