Aligning Divinely.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Wednesday 10th November, 2021


Text: “And he said, Let me go for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said, what is thy name..?”Gen 32:26-27.

Jacob ran away from home twenty years earlier for the fear of what his brother will do to him. On his way back home twenty years later he realised that the fear he had so many years back was still hunting him. At this point in his life he had two wives and twelve sons. He was also blessed with multitude of livestock; that was the symbol of wealth in those days. By a divine idea Jacob became richer than his father-in-law. So it’s clear that the problem of Jacob at this point was not material things.

He had an encounter with the angel and Jacob asked for blessings. It’s obvious that he was not asking for a wife or children or any other material wealth. He also realised that he was not in alignment with divine purpose. Even though he had so much he was still having an identity crisis. He knew that was the only thing that will solve his problems and remove his fears.
The response of the angel is quite instructive. “...What is your name...? What has name God to do with blessings. A name is a symbol of identity. That was actually the source of all his problems. There was a need to get aligned with divine identity for his life. What was changed was not just a mere name of Jacob to Israel; but a change of identity.

I want you to note again that this alignment took place when Jacob came alone to have an encounter with God. He left the crowd behind and communed with God. Each one of us will also need such a separation where we begin to commune with God personally for an inward change that can only take place in his presence. It’s important that we also learn to spend quality time with God in the place of prayer and in his word. These are divine moments where we are transformed to come in alignment with divine purpose.

There is a divine work taking place in my life bringing me to the place of purpose and destiny.

LEARN MORE: 2 Cor 3:18

Lord we ask that your hand of performance will rest upon the outreach to students in January 2022. 1 King 18:46

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