The HEARTCHURCH Fundamental Values Explained

in HeartChurch4 years ago is Live

I found great joy reading this article declaring that Heartchurch website has finally gone live. It is a long awaited dream that has become material and is strategic to the reaching of more families and nations of the world through Love and the messages of our Lord Jesus Christ.

HeartChurch International Christian Ministry, is the first blockchain church, created to impact the world. We are a great community that has established itself in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines, promoting educational social projects through Christian values, with its motto being "Crusade for freedom".


Values are the core of every community. The declaration of value-set is what guides the operation of the community with respect to priorities focus and need areas. The define the areas which the strength of the community would be well revealed. The Values of the HeartChurch has been summed up into the following Six:

  1. Provide spiritual and moral guidance within the blockchain.
  2. Fight for freedom in life and against oppression and slavery.
  3. Guarantee freedom and basic human rights for all humanity.
  4. Celebrate mother, father, children and family!
  5. Grow supportive faith communities and build effective Christian leaders.
  6. Give the best of ourselves as our gift to God.

It is crucial that we take a critical look into the understanding of what these values represent and get ourselves educated on how to align accordingly. We are not just like any other community on the Blockchain sphere. Indeed, it is worthy of note that we are the only Christian community yet playing significant roles in the engagement of three Blockchains - Steem, telos and hive. This is what makes us unique, being able to blend the operations of these three separate chains, yet staying focus to sharing love to humanity and giving financial freedom to Christian Families of the world.

1. Providing spiritual and moral guidance

Within the Heartchurch community on the hive and steem blockchains, we have blogging interfaces which allows for our parishioners to share their messaged of salvation, personal experiences in their walk with God and scriptural insights/revelations. These blogs are intended to build the spiritual lives of our parishioner.

2. Fighting for freedom in life and against oppression and slavery

We know how corrupt the centralised world has been especially with the sharing of resources. Heartchurch in a bid to solve these problems decided to adopt blockchain technologies for it's operations where users have a stake to governance and fair share of available resources.

3. Guaranteeing freedom and basic human rights for all humanity

We are a community where every member is cherished and their talents and abilities are appreciated. This allows for mutual growth among our parishioers. Our Universal Basic Income on the Telos Blockchain in the form of HEARTs blessing is a typical example. 1 unit of this token is received daily by every member with a "jc" account irrespective of age and race.

4. Celebrating Family - Father, Mother, Children

The HeartChurch is much concerned with the growth of families. We belief that the society and nations of the world all emanated from families. When the family is well taken care of then the society will get healed. We appreciate in our communities, fathers, mothers, youths and children ad we do celebrate their uniqueness in every sense.

5. Growing Faith communities and building effective Christian leaders

Within the two years of her existence, the Heartchurch community has continues to build sub-communities and effective cells for unique purposes of spreading the reach of our love shared to the families of the world. @Sc-n, @Sc-v @Sc-g @Farms are unique projects that were created to cater for people in specific areas and locations. Furthermore, we understand the role of leadership in human development. Every unit is identified with decentralized leaderships to enable participatory governance and growth. We also encourage the act of volunteering which helps to grow potentials within our communities.

6. Giving the best of ourselves as our gift to God - The Grand Value

This is the grand value that we uphold in the HeartChurch Community. In all our sharing and getting, we point people to Jesus Christ, the author and the finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12: 1-2). Love is our message as Christ demanded of us and we hope everyone would please God through peaceful living by the help of the Holy Spirit.

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We continue to Reach to the World



The Church is indeed fulfilling the great commission, one cannot do it alone, it is all hands on deck. Let come together and take the Word to the World

Glory and honor be to the father for how we have come.

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