God's Favorite

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)


What does it mean to be a favorite or preferred? It means being particularly favored, esteemed, and preferred. It means enjoying special attention, personal affection and preferential treatment, even without deserving them.

If three equally qualified people apply for the same job, but one is a favorite of the Lord, he will shine his glory on that person, resulting in his being chosen for that position, male or female. Those who make the selection will not even know why they prefer this particular candidate over the others; all they know is that, for whatever reason, he or she has a special appeal to them.

There is nothing in you or in me or in another person that can make us God's favorites. He chooses us for such a place of honor and esteem by an act of his sovereign grace. And all we can do is receive your gift with an attitude of humility and thanksgiving.

Now, when I speak of being God's favorite, I must clarify something. Because he is the God of all creation, and because he has a personal relationship with each of his children, he can tell us individually, at the same time and with all truthfulness: “You are the apple of my eye, my favorite son. ”.

It took me time to come to understand this truth. In fact, at first I was afraid to believe it. It was hard to imagine myself as God's favorite, even if he told me so. But then I realized that God tells each of his children. He wants to share that beautiful truth with everyone who believes it, accepts it, and acts on it.

Our Heavenly Father wants his children to stand up and be all that the Lord Jesus had in mind for them to be when he laid down his life for them. God does not want us to walk around with our heads down and our shoulders slumped, afraid to look into the eyes of others, and what they might think of us.

Each one of us receives from God the assurance of being his favorite child because he wants us to be sure of who we are in Christ Jesus, so that we have the confidence and security necessary to walk victoriously through this life, drawing others to share with us his wonderful grace.

//Excerpt from the book Joyce Mayer in English, if not for grace.//


Reading this extract of the fate was for God, I come to the conclusion that we sometimes think that God has favorites, I have sometimes felt favored by him, God will have intimate friends. The question to so many questions about this is that God said to Jesus: This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.

In the congregation where I am they distributed this book, and I began to read it and the most that remained in my mind was that God's grace is an undeserved favor, that he did not give them because he wanted to, however it is important to leave Of course, those who love God are those who keep his commandments.

The word in Jeremiah 29:13 says - "And you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." which makes me think that God's favorite people are those with whole hearts, who seek him day and night, do good and delight in his presence.

God loves humble people, those rejected by the world, pointed out by men but with a great heart, if we put our ego aside and put everything in the hands of the almighty, and enter into communion with him, everything will be different. We are going to feel like Jesus, without burdens like that favorite of God.

Esther was a favorite woman of God and today there are many women who are in the gap for a better world, an equitable world with opportunities for all, where love predominates, that is God.


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