in HeartChurch4 years ago


Source:Images Google

Genesis 48:4 New International Version
4 and said to me, ‘I am going to make you fruitful and increase your numbers. I will make you a community of peoples, and I will give this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you.’

Source: Pixabay

Dad reading this verse the phrase "perpetual inheritance" intermittently in my mind, I perceived that you say something directly to me.

I understand that the context of this is the adoption of the gentile people to form a single holy nation together with the chosen people; in other words, every Christian today is a "perpetual heir."

It is a great privilege that I have, to be able to say that I am a son of God, this confirms that grace already had antecedents in God's promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I understand that this in my life has a specific weight that does not depend on me but is a gift from on high.

Thanks Dad for this teaching.

** This short reflection is framed in a discipleship program that we are carrying out in our congregation; which consists of identifying, analyzing and applying one or more verses that have impacted you in daily reading.
This style of devotional is intended to maintain an experiential focus under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in our lives. **

Original Text of:@tomas.enrique
Receive very blessings.

[Elborated in Canva by: @tomas.enrique]


[Source: Youtube]

My special thanks also goes to: @darlenys01, @sirknight, @sniffnscurry, @heartchurch, @maxdevalue , @uyobong, @ricci01, @felixgarciap and @mariela

also to: all the parishioners.
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