My Daily Devotional February 22,2020. "Being prepared to respond!"

in HeartChurch4 years ago

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1 Peter 3:15 New International Version (NIV)
15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

Being prepared to respond is what you demand from me today in this message Dad, this is what I perceive in this verse.

I understand that you want me to fulfill the great commission, but also to prepare me for that purpose before, because going out to make disciples is not an easy task and less in this modern and globalized world with materialistic and selfish tendencies that spread and promote a series of antivalores in the person.

So, I internalize through this word that the best thing I can do is to be in constant preparation and training so that anyone who comes to me to ask or inquire about why my way of acting is ready to respond boldly.

I have discerned it after meditating on this word that you gave directly to me today, I will always expect the best and be ready and willing.

Thank you Lord for this word.
"tomas.jc" @ tomas.enrique

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1 Pedro 3:15 Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)
15 Más bien, honren en su corazón a Cristo como Señor. Estén siempre preparados para responder a todo el que les pida razón de la esperanza que hay en ustedes.

Estar preparado para responder es lo que me demandas hoy en este mensaje Papá, así lo percibo en este versículo.

Entiendo que tu quieres de mi que cumpla la gran comisión, pero también que antes me prepare para tal fin, porque salir a hacer discípulos no es tarea fácil y menos en este mundo moderno y globalizado con tendencias materialistas y egoístas que difunden y promocionan una serie de anti-valores en las persona.

Entonces, internaliso por medio de esta palabra que lo mejor que puedo hacer es estar en constante preparación y entrenamiento para que cualquiera que se me acerque a preguntar o inquirir acerca del porque de mi forma de actuar, este pronto a responder con denuedo.

Lo he discernido después de meditar en esta palabra que me diste directamente a mi hoy, esperaré siempre lo mejor y estaré listo y dispuesto.

Gracias Señor por esta palabra.
"tomas.jc" @tomas.enrique

My special thanks goes to all the parishioners.

to brother @maxdevalue gives me to participate, the support of the priest @uyobong and the curatorship of @sniffnscurry. Also supported by @steemchurch and subsidiaries. Grateful for this opportunity.

If you're so kind as to vote for my posts or resteem it. Thank you so much.

Here are my daily devotionals.

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The unique intention of this post is only share my daily devotional.
La unica intencion de publicar esto es compartir mi devocional diario.
 4 years ago 

@tomas.enrique. God is holy and so we must keep it in our hearts for the testimony of all who expect demand in us because of our hope.
@ ricci01.

Ohh yes!!

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