in HeartChurch4 years ago


"and in grace before God and men"


Source: Unsplash

Luke 2:51-52 New International Version (NIV) 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

What if I want to grow in wisdom?. I perceive this in this verse 51 and 52. Yesterday you showed me the obedience and diligence with which the shepherds acted, today you show me that Jesus himself did it.

Dad, I understand that you teach me by setting the example of Jesus, as being just 12 years old, I discerned when I was faced with an opportunity to learn and to teach, called him to take care of his father's business, but that did not exempt him from subjecting himself to his delegated authority.

I understand that by identifying every opportunity and assuming a commitment to act in line with what you expect from me, being subject to the authorities that have delegated me is that I can grow and develop spiritually.

I know then, that in my life changes are happening because of the opportunities you
give me according to the crisis that there is; where I am assuming my role and acting according to every situation at school, at KEMCO's work and in the heart of HEARTCHURCH.

Thanks for the teaching.

Source: Unsplash

Original Text of:@tomas.enrique

Receive very blessings.


My special thanks also goes to: @darlenys01, @sirknight, @sniffnscurry, @heartchurch, @maxdevalue and @uyobong

also to: all the parishioners.
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God bless you my brother, greetings, a long time without seeing you around here.

Let us continue to grow in that precious wisdom that the Lord has left us in that precious word of life,

John 5: 39 King James Version (RVR1960)
39 Search the scriptures; because it seems to you that in them you have eternal life; and they are the ones that testify of me;

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