The Doors of My World

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Each person harbors a world inside, and establishing relationships with other people makes them open the doors of their world, for some this is something that they cannot do with ease or ease, but for others it is a beautiful and gratifying feeling to have people May they adorn their world and make them happier.


It is true that there are people who have been vilely betrayed when they have opened their doors and given their trust to others, but this motive should not be taken as an excuse to think that each time they do so they will be betrayed.

We must be smart to open our doors with love but without neglecting wisdom, not everyone is able to enter your world to stay, some will only come to visit and you must be courteous, but know how far you let them enter, this It does not mean that you will live behind closed doors without letting anyone in, it is not possible, because you will have an impenetrable but unhappy world, no one can be happy alone, man was not created to be.

What we must be is wise to choose the people who will enter to stay, the doors of your world must be opened, not to perfect people, but to those who you know will accompany you even in the hurricanes of your world, even if it trembles, even if it rains In it, even if the storm takes time to calm down, in every situation those noble souls who have come to your world deserve to stay and be treated with that love that is inside you to express.

Do not continue to repress yourself, do not become an inaccessible person, who places barriers even to those you love, expresses and gives everything you have to give, everything that God has put in you, full of your world of beautiful colors, open your doors and house all those whom God allows to reach you, each one will leave traces that will allow you to grow, learn and fill you with great and beautiful experiences.


Ciertamente, relacionarnos con el resto de las personas implica riesgo a sufrir traición, decepción y dolor, y solo la sabiduría que viene de Dios , nos puede ayudar a ser mas asertivos a la hora de confiar en los demás

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