I am an Instrument For Healing

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Mark 2
17 When Jesus heard this, he said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.


When Jesus met with people who were not acting righteously He did it to heal them, to turn them from their sins, He wanted to show them that they were loved no matter what their behavior was but that it was their sins that were not approved, Jesus wanted them to recognize that they were wrong and that they would determine to change their lives, but he did it with love, he was Jesus the Savior of the world, and yet he was no respecter of persons, he sat beside both righteous and sinners, he wanted to show salvation and he did it, without pointing fingers, without harming, with gentleness, meekness and love.

That is the Jesus that I know and that you and I should follow and imitate, practicing what He once did in this world.

Jesus was sent to rescue, to heal, to deliver, from sin and evil, and to show us that sin separates us from God, but His love turns us back to Him, and gives us the opportunity to live a new life.

No matter what the sin is, God has the power and authority to free us from them and to never practice them again, His love so immense and so pure is the one who will help us not to want to do it anymore.

That is why whenever I can I say that pointing fingers, criticisms, and judging others, will never cause the desired impact, this rather demotivates, discourages, creates feelings of guilt and sadness, however what you want to achieve in others, that change, that new way of living, you can do it through love as Jesus did.

Don't turn away from people because they have an improper behavior, but rather teach them that there is another kind of life that God's love can create in them, that God always has an opportunity for those who need it, that there is hope for a new life and it is found in God's love, in Jesus' sacrifice.

When others abandon ship because of the storms, you do not fail to put into practice what Jesus would do, what he did and said in Mark 2:17, now it is you who must do this work and be used to be healing and medicine to others.

 3 years ago 

The Lord Jesus said: "If you remain united to me, and if you remain faithful to my teachings, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you...the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name" (John 15:7, 16 b. Popular Version "God speaks today").

Cuando conocemos el don a la manera de Dios, somos mas efectivos, gracias por compartir

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