A kiss From Judas

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Many of us know the story of Judas, who was the man used by evil to deliver Jesus, He must go through that sacrifice for us to be saved and we already know the rest of the story. But some believe that there was only one Judas and that we are already exempt from it and then let me tell you that every time you do the opposite of God's will and make excuses in Him, you are giving a Judas kiss.


Everyone who lives according to the word of God must live in such a way, therefore if you say that you are a child of God but you live contrary to the word then that and even a kiss from Judas.

If it sounds strong to understand this but you betray what God has put in you when you do not act according to his word. The word of God must be lived and practiced, otherwise it becomes a lie, a hypocrisy, then we must be careful not to be this type of person, much less to let ourselves be guided by them.

Where someone spoke to our lives saying that it is to build we must see well what is the procedure of this, let's look at what the bible says: Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

The first thing we must identify is the type of life of these people, their fruits, each action and behavior speaks more than words, if you see that someone speaks a lot of the Bible but does not live what they are talking about then this is also a Judas, for that follower of Christ must behave just as he preaches.

Let's be careful of these people who are out there distributing the Judas kiss, let's be vigilant, we should not even have the need to judge but only look at their fruits.

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