in HeartChurch3 years ago


Sorrow is feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment or misfortune suffered by a person directly or by loved ones.

Sorrow is characterized by mourning, weeping, bitterness, failure, depression, disappointment, regret, sadness, and discouragement.

In God’s original plan, sorrow and its attendant problems were not meant to be part of the human experience, and that is why there will be no more sorrow in the new heaven and new earth that God is preparing for His people.

It is indeed an arrow in quiver of Satan and his agents, and their aim is to use it to break men’s spirit and determination to move forward in life.

Sorrow became part and parcel of the human experience because of our descent into sin and the pronouncement of God’s judgement that subsequently followed.

The devil is still shooting the arrow of sorrow all over the world through poverty, sickness, terrorism, childlessness, natural disaster, calamities of epic proportions, separation and divorce, untimely death, and much more.

We thank God that the compassionate Jesus became a “man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”, so that we can experience the joy of the Lord right here on earth.

God provides comfort for the sorrowful and promises eternal deliverance from sorrow. He is mindful of our fame, and that is why He sent us the Holy Spirit to continually comfort and strengthen us.

Through His work in our life, Satan’s evil arrow of sorrow is rendered powerless over us.

The devil aims to break your spirit and make you give up on life. Please don’t give in to him, neither should you contemplate suicide. The joy of the Lord is your strengthen

Have you recently suffered any form of loss, disappointment or pain?

I encourage you to yield to the comfort of the Holy Spirit, pick yourself up from the ashes of discouragement and face life with renewed vigour.


Wonderful,give no room to sorrows.... thanks for blessing us

Sorrow isn't a weapon of the devil. It's just part of the human experience.

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