A mix of clean and unclean sources

in HeartChurch4 years ago

In assessing our offering, God looks at the motive of the giver. If anyone gives to God for the wrong reasons, He will not accept, let alone reward such giving. No matter how large, offering ill-gotten wealth to God can incur His wrath. God frowns at people who try to clear their guilt by tithing from stolen funds. He hates sin and anything given by a sinner. Proverbs 15:8 says:

“The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the upright is His delight.”

This story was share by a man of God he said God taught him a lesson on my way back from Ilorin, Nigeria where he had gone to preach some time ago. He had refilled his car unknowingly with adulterated fuel and it wouldn't start. While a mechanic was trying to fix it, the Lord taught him a lesson from that experience. He told him I can't accept offerings from many people because their gifts are a mix of clean and unclean sources. If you add money made from shady means to those from clean sources and then give to God, the dirty money in the mix will contaminate the entire offering and make it unacceptable.


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