Poetry: The world lack glory until...

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Everything is grown on land
There was a time
The world was suffering
Lack glory
Full of emptiness
The slope of time!

The world came
Processed from Words
Emanated from Words
After the best spirit
Hover and govern the land.

When the world was in trouble
The one full of glory
Created a ruckus on the earth
Showed as glorious being
Born of human but God.

Arrived as a messiah
Showed the right path to the world
Lived a righteous life
Became a good example
Died as a savior.

Lived on a savior
The propitiator for the world
The best advocator
The teacher
The life coach.

Anyone who simply believes
In this man
Is saved, amazing?
Everlasting life awaits you
If only you believe in Him today!


Everything is grown on land

Every seed is grown on the earth (land)
Or what land are you referring here cause I guess you and I are not grown on land? Please I wish to understand you. Thank you.

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