God orders things.

Greetings Siblings.


The bible tells us that in the beginning the earth was messy.

Genesis 1:2 Contemporary King James Version (RVC)

The earth was disorderly and empty, the darkness covered the face of the abyss, and the spirit of God moved on the surface of the waters.

God in a week, put everything in its place. He spend every day of that week creating and ordering what was out of place.

In the book of genesis you can read in detail how God was ordering all things.

God loves order and He likes that our life is orderly. Sometimes it is difficult to have an order when there are so many setbacks or situations that directly affect life and our environment, but with God's help it is easier to achieve.

There are people who prefer to lead a disorderly life to avoid problems, this gives them a certain belief to stay away from problems but many times what they do is make them worse, get more problems and not get out of a vicious circle of disorder.

If you seek God's help and you take refuge in him, he will help you order your life and you will see things very differently from how you see it when disorder is present.

God bless you

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