God never forget

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Sometimes in the life of a believer it happens that he gets discouraged for thinking that God may have forgotten them. But this never happens. God will never be unjust. Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man to repent. He said, and will not he? He spoke, and he will not execute it? "

God loves us but this does not mean that He will act in the way that we plan, by nature human beings have defects such as: lying, pettiness, badly spoken, lazy, hardworking, stubborn, disobedient, not loyal, emotional, blasphemous and many more things.

God is not like that, God does not lie, the nature of God is different, all his promises are fulfilled, this is evident in those promised to Abraham with occasion to do with him, all were fulfilled Joshua 21:45 "He did not fail word of all the good promises that Jehovah had made to the house of Israel; everything was fulfilled. "

God was and is faithful, He fulfilled all the promises that fell on the house of Israel. Although we had to wait several years to see fulfilled some of them "everything was fulfilled", everything was fulfilled.

everything that God promises fulfills. I will ask you Do you have any promise from God that has not yet been fulfilled? Well let me tell you keep believing, do not lose heart, He will fulfill all his promises, we do not know when, but you must be careful because God always keeps his promises.

But his promises will only come true in God's calendar, not yours, but our hope is the certainty that his word is safe. You should not be impatient only God will do it, the moment and means only correspond to Him.

We must remain faithful in the ways of the Lord, He will undoubtedly reward you, what you undertake, what you work for God, your obedience and fidelity will not be forgotten by God, He will pay for it.

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