Know the timing

in HeartChurch3 years ago


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We are in a very special dealing out in the Kingdom of God. By the knowledge the Word knowledge, we are controlled by the Spirit to walk in accordingly, with the Spirit plan and timing. For instance, in Daniel 9, we read that while Daniel was in exile with the Israelites, understood the timing of God as he studied the writings of prophet Jeremiah. He discovered that they were meant to be in that captivity for good seventy years and had almost finish their time in captivity.

Thus, as it seems that nothing is changing, Prophet Daniel made decision to look for the Lord in fasting and prayer to bring the programme of God to real. In Lord Jesus Christ's closing days ministry in Israel, He wept because of Jerusalem because they didn’t know the “time” that they would be visited. The Lord that they had been waiting for in a long time had come to them, but they didn’t notice it. Many of us are like that now. Make it your eminence to be in sync with the will of God and your life timing.

Read and meditate on the Scriptures eagerly, and find time for prayer. We are sent by God to make His will real in the earth, using Jesus' name and the power of the Holy Ghost. But if you don’t know the will of God and timing, things will occur in the earth which would be neither in your interest nor in the interest of the Lord. This is why you have to pray in the Spirit for the world, for the Churches, and for the ministers of the Gospel all over the world. Pray as if the kingdom depended on you, because it does.

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