Give glory to God

in HeartChurch3 years ago


At times, in prayer and worship songs, some Christians would pray that, “O Lord, glorify your Name in all the earth.” It sounds fine, but means us in a place of expecting God to glorify His Name Himself. And that is not the idea of Him; we are the ones in position to glorify Him. Remember the words of Lord Jesus Christ in John 17:4, he said “I have glorified you on the earth....” This is what God expected us to do.

“Unto God be glory in the church...,” it means that He expects the Church (us) to glorify Him. Your life is for God's glory. God is glorified as you live out His Word consistently, bearing the fruits of His holy life and the nature in you. As you walk in sound health, richdom, and impact the world you are with His holiness, greatness, beauty and His wisdom; as you make Word-based results, the all-powerful Lord is glorified. Don't be surprised as Jesus said “Let your be light so shine before men, so they may see your good works, and glorify your God that is in heaven.”(Matthew 5:16)

God is glorified by your works of righteousness. In John 17:4, it shows that Lord Jesus Christ glorified the God by doing what the Father sent Him to do: “I have glorified You on the earth: I have done the work that you gave me to do.” This is one of the why you have to study the Word of God to know what He needs, so that all day, and in all places, you glorify Him by living out His Word. Praise God!

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