Be Strong in Grace

in HeartChurch5 years ago

2Timothy 2:1-2: You then, my son, be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus and What you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also

A Spartan war Creed reads "He who sweats more in training, bleeds less in war". Soldiers are people who fight in battle and wars. One of the criteria for recruiting soldiers into the army is physical strength. This is why they are made to undergo a lot of rigorous drills before they are commissioned as soldiers.

We are God's soldiers as Christians, to this Timothy was admonished to be strong not through physical strength or in the law but through the Grace that is in Christ Jesus. As long as Grace is concerned, Christ is the reference point. Grace is known as an unmerited favour. In a simple acronym"God in the race" . To be strong in grace is to depend wholly on God by surrending all to Him. As Christian, grace is our strength. Grace is not weak. Paul said "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Which implies, by Grace nothing is impossible, that's Because nothing is impossible with Christ Jesus.


To succeed as a Christian, we must rely not on our strength, wisdom or educational qualification but on the Grace which was given to us through Christ Jesus. But then, this Grace must be practice in truth and humility. Paul in Romance 6:1 asked "Can we continue I sin that grace may abide?" And it was answered by saying " God forbid, how can we that die to live any longer therein".

Finally brethen, let's rest on Grace for our strength and this is possible when we surrender our hope, life, trust and everything to Christ Jesus as we truthfully depart from the law(Sin) which came through Moses and live in the Grace that came through Christ Jesus.

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