in HeartChurch4 years ago



Good day everyone, thanks for stopping by to read this article.

Today's article is an exposition of Matthew 12: 33-37.

The passage is a very critical one it focus is about hypocrisy, use of word and the relevance of who we are.

The passage is a response by Jesus to the Pharisees when they lay false accusation on him about a miracle he performed which were words of blasphemy.

I will take the passage by verses.

Matthew 12: 33

“Either make the tree good and aits fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.

Here the verse was relating to verse 24 where the Pharisees lay claim that the miracle done by Christ was orchestrated by a demonic spirit. This made Christ to respond that A vessel or being (Tree) cannot do good things excepts he/she is good. Thay means the work of our hands are the product of who we really are. We can only pretend for a while but at the end our real being or real self will surely show by the things we exhibit or the things we do.

A good thing cannot come out from an evil or corrupt vessel or being likewise a evil thing cannot be done by good. This is deceit if it happens.

In the last words, he said by their fruit will shall know them which means our attitude, works, behaviour unveils and make known who we are.

Matthew 12:34

Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

We can also read Matthew 3:7 in relation to this verse as regards the the relation to vipers.
Vipers are venomous snakes that stings and can also means human who backstab, who kills with their tongue, disloyal and unfaithful.

In relation to the definitions, it is ascertain that a viper cannot produce good thing thereby no good thing can come out from a viper.

The verse also made known the power of thought and revealed that our words are our product of our thought. Every thing said is from the heart. So we should always position our heart to think right and good.

Matthew 12:35

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

In this verse we are made to understand that our heart is like a bank that stores our thought, plans, perceptions and accumulated insight. Be it good or bad, it is what we harbour in our heart that will surely reveal through our words, actions and deeds.

Matthew 12:36

But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.

An idle word means unprofitable, useless and unfruitful words spoken by Men. And words spoken by busybodies, backstabbers, backbitters and inactive workers.

It is made know that on the last day which is the judgement day, we will all give accounts of all our words and action, so therefore, we should be very careful of our words and how we use them and lets us know that this word may also mislead others which will also be accounted for.

Mathew 12:38

For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

Our words is our bound. By our words of moth, by the word we speak we will either ve saved or doomed.

Here, the power of tongue is explained, many at times we refuse to realise our importance and mighty our little tongue is, thereby not giving apt attention and detail to as we use it.

By this, we should always note that who will are, will be on earth and on the judgement day is the product of our words.

May God continually revealed the indepth of his words to us as I hope we meditate on this words.

May God bless us all.



The earth was formed through the power of the spoken words. That's just an indication of how the word carries power. We therefore must be careful of what we say cause it could bound or free us.
Thanks for sharing this. I am encouraged. Blessings.

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