My Diary Game: Adjustment Potentiometers-Electronics Work

in HeartChurch2 years ago

Volume Adjustment Sound


On many occasions the volume adjustment potentiometers in sound electronics are the cause of faulty sounds, which are often inconsistent and lack clarity.

It is important to know their type and their numbering to change them to the appropriate ones and thus guarantee the sound quality and its respective clarity.


On this occasion, a Sound plant with a deficiency in general volume, brightness, bass and left and right balance, I came to more hands to solve and leave it in perfect condition, but from experience and with a lot of knowledge in this type of electronics I assumed that had to replace the potentiometers and that in some previous repair one was set with a value out of range.



After reaching the control panel of the volumes, I could see that I was correct in terms of what I had assumed, because in a previous repair potentiometers were placed that were not in the range with respect to their function.

For the general volume they had placed a 50K one, where a 100K one really corresponded, and for the mids, brightness, bass and balances there were 50K potentiometers, where it was only 20K.



By not putting the ones that really correspond, the sound usually tends to be imperfect and there is the risk of damaging the speakers or the sound plant themselves.

By replacing and placing the right ones, the sound worked perfectly and another problem was solved and another satisfied customer was left.

© @rubenmedina182

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