Why has god create us?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

I take into account to have answered this or similar question—or may also be in a exclusive context; any way let me repeat.

God did not create us like a gold smith creating an ornament from out of raw gold ready at hand. If any aspect , it is we ,that have created private God from the raw fabric of our fertile mind.

We are conditioned through the memories of creation in spiritual books such as ‘He created the Earth , water etc in series.


‘ I'm not belittling scriptures — I'm only submitting that scriptures are no longer to be usually interpreted by way of the mere verbal meanings as we now ascribe. This applies equally to all non secular books. It might also be besides the point; the spiritual extremism we see to day is in no small measure due to this type of interpretation and indoctrination.

How then, have we come into being is the issue. How does a tree comes into being? By the seed, in which all the required characteristics are engraved,as it were. The seed for us is our deeds and needs crystallised (as if into a seed) This phase is the work out of Nature ;;impregnating it with Devine strength or Soul or something u can also decide upon to call. It is this all-powerful electricity is what we call God , more out of extended utilization and convenience. Birth enables us to reap the fruits (harvest )of our before actions.

This theory of rationalization may also appear abnormal and even unpalatable to Abrahamic spiritual humans who have come to trust that He is all forgiving and allots a berth in heaven if we do such and such a factor etc. This is permits a properly deal of alleviation in the current life. Who would be completely happy to raise this head load of ‘ karma’ into next birth? Only the Hindus( Buddhists included) are content to and take personal duty for their actions. Please word ,no where in other religions is there any effective assertion of absence of rebirth. Without it we cannot provide an explanation for all our undesirable sorrows , ache and ache of one of a kind sorts alongside with some pleasure too. U can take this as a beginning point of ur (only provisonally believing )and come to an indipendent conclusion ; maintaining aside spiritual beliefs for a while. Even the Ancient Greek philosophers came very close to to this however left it in mid stream; atleast to some extent due to the impact of developing science. If u make such an effort ur spiritual beliefs, I guarantee u ,will now not be polluted— solely lack of information can also , if any , receives diluted.

Till such time the doubts like— is there God , why he created and not another way, why I'm no longer relieved of my pains or sorrows, who created God etc. etc

The questions involving “ how, where, when etc are answered through science” but solely philosophy can answer ‘ why’ of it. For answers to these questions faith by means of itself is inadequate. We have little preference than going to our historical “ Upanishidic seers” teachings.

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