in HeartChurch3 years ago

The Spanish dictionary defines redesign as: redesigning something or modifying a previous design. What it means to build something on a previous situation.Some authors believe that "redesigning", according to this approach, becomes secondary, in updating a solution that already exists
It is important to understand that redesign is a process in which we change an image, always preserving its essence, to turn it into the best version of itself.


It is worth saying that "knowledge is the set of information that is stored in the mind of each person. This information is acquired through experience or learning, the perception or analysis of a set of data."

In this sense, taking the words of Jennifer Groff (educational engineer and researcher) where she maintains: "disciplines with little practical application and the teaching of content far from real life are harmful for students, since they teach them to think in a way linear and does not prepare them to function in the world "

What does it mean to think in a linear way?
Linear knowledge is knowledge that follows a constant development and a linear and progressive increase. It is a way of learning and acquiring data from reality that is little by little; the opposite type is exponential knowledge.

Within this perspective Exponential knowledge is the intentional action of an individual to use his human intellect to learn / know the characteristics or structures of objects or situations that surround him in his environment, and that affect or influence his life or that of others


It should be noted that from prehistory to the Modern Age, the human being has been accumulating knowledge linearly and this is constantly applied in the educational field which has been shown not appropriate to significantly train them to act on reality and be able to influence their own environment and perform productively for the future

Opinion with which I completely agree, because in my teaching career I have learned that students do not feel motivated by content that has nothing to do with their real life, but there is a connection with "previous ideas" that allows them progressively advance for their personal development, for this, attention and thinking must be increased and they must discover and understand the complexity of the world that surrounds them in order to stimulate their critical sense and interest in what they are interested in learning

Ausubel stated that meaningful learning occurs when a student relates new information with what she already has, that is, with the already existing cognitive structure. According to the psychologist and pedagogue, meaningful learning occurs when new information is related to an existing concept; so the new idea can be learned if the previous idea has been clearly understood. That is, this theory proposes that the new knowledge will be based on the previous knowledge that the individual has, whether they have acquired it in everyday situations, study texts or other sources of learning. By relating both knowledge (the previous and the one acquired) a connection will be formed that will be the new learning, named by Ausubel "Significant Learning".

From this point of view, the experiences of the students are essential to build meaningful learning as a permanent connection with the "previous ideas", already acquired by the students, whenever a new learning process is started. Connection that will help them to base the new knowledge and to string together a line of critical and interesting logical thinking that will motivate them to focus their attention and awaken their interest in what they are going to learn, thus fostering a connection that will be the new learning built by their own knowledge to develop socially in today's world


Ausubel's learning theory is one of the most important for teaching and learning more content in a short time. Developing thinking skills in students requires specific instruction and practice rather than application.

and prior knowledge is of utmost importance for this pedagogue And for you as a teacher, what significance does the experiences of your students have in the teaching-learning process?

The experiences of the students need instruction to apply them to learning and it is the teachers who have to be in charge of inducing those experiences in the school because the school needs to open up to the life of the student and soak up their reality to take full advantage of the thinking skills that bring students to school


In my opinion, the school must base its planning on the previous knowledge that students have since it is true that there is a distance between the contents of the areas and those that students perceive and acquire through their daily experience, in contact with the reality since many load students with content and what they really do is damage their personal and social development and certainly the content must be enriched in contact with reality so that learning becomes meaningful, becoming basic instruments for better understanding , analysis and transformation of reality

In this sense, the school must adopt a critical and constructive attitude in favor of the students' learning since they are the central axis and those who need to be trained for the new generations, I think that a student learns more by telling their experiences by making them content than by receiving content strangers that have nothing to do with the close relationships between school knowledge and vulgar knowledge

From this perspective, the contents should support the experiences, so it is necessary that teachers should rather guide and direct the experiences of students centered on students so that they themselves can build their own learning since it is essential that they understand that they are learning in order to foster their weaknesses

Currently "redesigning" the learning spaces in students through the use of technologies due to the "educational emergency" despite the limitations is a good tool to support the meaningful learning that comes from their experiences, I think this time is a teaching for us to hear more from our students and learn from them as well as value their ideas

Consulted bibliography: Teacher's website, educational notebook, educational lifeder


Hola muy Buenos dias @ricci01 estoy de acuerdo contigo en cuanto a la educación, y las herramientas que podemos aportar a la sociedad estudiantil.

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