in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Despite the fact that today the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached throughout the world for the salvation of man, many ignore this truth because it seems crazy to them, they consider that wanting to live differently from the currents of this world is madness, for wanting to do things differently and make a difference, by saying that we believe in God's miracles, which are not by chance or strange in this world since he continues to work and perform miracles for those who believe, because we live a life of prayer and win our daily battles from the relationship we have with God and this and many other things to the world seems crazy, but certainly the bible warns us something of this

1 Corinthians 1:18
18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who perish; but to those who are saved, that is, to us, it is the power of God.
(Reina-Valera 1960)


In this order of ideas, the word of the cross is madness to those who are lost, but to those who understand the wise, not of this world but to those who have acquired the wisdom of God to those who are saved, that is, to the Christians who have snapped again and we submit to his word this is the power of God

1 Corinthians 2:14
14 But the natural man does not perceive the things that are of the Spirit of God, because for him they are foolishness, and he cannot understand them, because they have to be discerned spiritually
(Reina-Valera 1960)

It is for this reason that the Bible expresses in the quoted verse that the natural man from the spiritual point of view cannot perceive these things since people are divided into three categories, which clarifies how the revelation of the cross is received from the human side.
The unregenerate natural man, alienated from the spirit, has no appreciation for the gospel.
The spiritual man, regenerated and in possession of spiritual maturity, such as those who are free from sectarian inclinations who have a nature that responds to the truth, and the unbelievers find it difficult to understand.
Carnal men regenerated, but living in a similar way to those who are not, are believers with childish behavior, as seen in those who are jealous with a sectarian spirit; an immature Christian life, more concerned with human opinions than with Christ

The gospel is madness for many but to those who, believe it is the power of God for salvation and eternal life

Consulted bibliography: biblia plenitus RVR1960, biblical commentaries

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