in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Genesis 29: 18-20
Jacob fell in love with Rachel, and said:
«For Raquel, your youngest daughter, I will serve you seven years.»
19 And Laban replied:
It is better that I give it to you, and not to another man. Stay with me."
20 This is how Jacob worked seven years for Rachel; but it seemed like a few days because he loved her.

The Bible tells us a story full of love about Jacob as you can read in the verses quoted he was in love with Raquel and in order to marry her he asked his father Laban to give it to him in marriage but true love brings many surprises unexpected things that we have to overcome in order to preserve love.

When you find love you have many reasons to fight for it


The least that Jacob could imagine was that he would one day become a servant almost a slave in order to obtain the love of a woman and without receiving any physical remuneration, that is, money.

Laban was a merchant, taking advantage of a custom of the time, he told Jacob that he would give him Rachel's hand if he served seven years as a servant and Jacob, in love as he was, accepted the deal and went to work seven years as a slave without salary without retirement without conditions without hardly the food and work tool.

However, he did it with pleasure, dedication persevering in everything in order to obtain the love of his beloved because when you love for good, you do not see effort as punishment but rather pleasant and honest.

In this sense, the Bible says at this point that Jacob served seven years for Rachel and it seemed like a few days because he loved her. This is fantastic and beautiful! Fighting for love and winning is one of the greatest virtues of the human being within God's plan for the family.

So one of the great virtues that pure and good true love has is that it knows how to wait, says the apostle Paul in his beautiful hymn to love in chapter 13 of the first letter to the Corinthians the following:

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
4 Love is suffering, it is kind; love is not envious, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up;
5 does nothing wrong, does not seek his own, is not irritated, does not hold a grudge;
6 you do not enjoy injustice, but you enjoy the truth.
7 He suffers everything, he believes everything, he hopes for everything, he endures everything.

Pure and dignified love is based on this is one of the conditions that shows that there is love of the good because everything waits for love creates hope love looks smiling the future love does not look at time love endures long waits love He is suffered, he is benign, he never thinks of evil, love believes everything, he endures it, love never never ceases to be, but obviously this has to be the love of the good, pure clean love of an honest person of honest man and woman, responsible for people committed to God. .

There are several types of love and the Bible uses three words to mention love, one of them is "eros" which denotes carnal love, love is passionate where we take the word erotic love, the second is love "edges" which denotes love that is somewhat more selfless and chaste as when we say filial love, love of children or love of brothers, the third word is the word "agape" which denotes the highest kind of love, the love of God, purely spiritual love.

Unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity to know all these types of loves, some know only two, others one and the vast majority of people only know erotic love fleshly love sexual and voluptuous love many know filial love and few very few reach that excellence of love that is divine love.

God's love is indescribable and cannot be compared to any kind of love

It is important to highlight that with this I do not mean that erotic love is bad but that many do not get to experience it as God really planned it because in the end all this love also comes from God because he gives us the opportunity to love because love erotic is a human and natural love.

It is also important to say that erotic love has brought many negative consequences to the life of men and women when it is not managed at the will of God, becoming a "sick and out of control love" because it becomes passionate love when It goes out of the limit when it overflows, it is then a love that is not capable of waiting as we need.

This example of Jacob's love for Rachel teaches us that true love is worth the hope this love also teaches us that the love between a man and a woman is for life until aging as God has planned it because if Jacob was able to become a slave for the love of Rachel surely his love would be forever attached to the rock what is Jesus christ that this kind of love dreams and trusts today many people feel that it is very difficult to wait because one of the great defects of "unbridled love" is that it does not they know how to wait impatience has invaded everything including the couple's relationship and it really is because they go out of bounds due to momentary and disorderly passions

True love grows stronger every day because it just knows how to wait


Love makes you persevere in what you want and love makes you wait for what is necessary because that is one of its great virtues "everything waits for you"


Without LOVE we are NOTHING. Everyday we need live in Love. God bless you!!

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