¡Happy Fathers Day!

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

There are parents who leave traces on their children forever, for better or for worse, because if you are sowing in your children: trust, care, security, love, reciprocity, sincerity, efforts, respect, empathy ... and you are managing time for them They will certainly be safe children with a balance in their self-esteem, but if the opposite happens, the traces they will leave will be very regrettable and promising for their future.

In life there are parents who have left a good legacy for their children, who have raised with honesty, respect, love, perseverance, taking care of their fragile mind in a wise way, but there are also others who have left their hearts broken due to lack of attention.

It must be remembered that the father figure is essential in raising children since God ordained the father and mother to procreate them and make them happy, giving greater responsibility to the man as the head of the home for being the head of the woman

The biggest hug with all my love to the parents on this day


Ephesians 5:23
Because the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church.

In this way we assume that the father has greater responsibility in the family upbringing of the children, he is a true administrator of the children that God has allowed him to have as well as his wife.

In this order of ideas, a true father is that brave and hard-working man who cares about sowing the best in his children and is convinced that the memories he leaves for his children provide them with success and not failure of firmness and not of weakness so that in the future they can undertake in a balanced way

Dad, remember that the seeds that germinate and bear fruit are their memories, their pleasant memories, everything you sowed and if you were wrong but corrected in time and sowed the best for them that will be their life their breath their dreams

Children are great imitators of their parents and they follow in their footsteps, in this way you will be sure which is the legacy or the footsteps that the children are treading or imitating, today you try to sow the word of God and practice biblical principles the best sowing is through the wisdom of God that will allow you to leave the best legacy

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