in HeartChurch4 years ago


Rejection is direction; until you are disappointed you will never be appointed. Every disappointment in a romantic relationship is orchestrated to lead you to your true groom-to-be. Until that one door is closed seven others won't open.
“The single most important difference between champions, achievers and average people is their ability to handle rejection and failure.”
-Tom Hopkins

A relationship that is out of God's principles is an orchestration by Satan to end your destiny.
The enemy will always use an insider – without Judas Iscariot Jesus wouldn't have been betrayed, without the Trojan horse the city of Troy wouldn't have been destroyed. Without an elder, an uncle or an aunt who says yes to the enemy on your behave the crisis in your family will not have come. The insider in your life right now is that gentleman who jilted you.
Most ladies have become insane as a result of heartbreak or disappointment caused by their supposed groom-to –be. Worrying is not the solution – gather light then the darkness of emotional entanglement will be destroyed.

Life is a fight, we're in battles every day, but we're more than conquerors – therefore we don't war against flesh and blood with physical weapons, but God's word and principles.
When your supposed to have-been-groom said 'it is over between you and him' – that could be likened to a gunshot and the bullet has surged through your system poisoning every thought of yours, infiltrating and corrupting every thought of the heart. This is why you could make bold to say “I have heart break” yes! It's true it is your heart, not your legs, hands or mouth.
The heart is where God is supposed to occupy, but many are in the fate of worshiping a creature instead of the Creator.
God will help you to come out now as you read ahead.


The Trojan man is an enemy that specializes in destroying his opponent from within, his machinations are subtle mechanism that appears harmless, weak, and seems innocent, yet the deadliest agent of destruction. He gets into your heart- passing through all the formidable walls, gates and the most sophisticated defenses he could outfox and could break through your life's defenses.
He is a faithful agent of Lucifer – he's being used unawares, though he enjoys every bit of it, from the day he got you, either cheaply or luckily – he got strength from every moment you've spent together and right now, he also enjoys the pleasure he imbibes from a broken and wounded love victim.

After several attempt to break through the indomitable and heavily armed Troy military artillery, the question the Grecian were left to answer was how will they break Troy's defense, how'll they pass through the gates of Troy – necessity is the mother of invention, a wooden sculpture with the shape of a horse that has the height of a haulage vehicle was crafted, sculptured and carved, Achilles and his warriors soldiers hid within the walls of the carved wooden horse: which was taken to the shores of the Trojans coastal land – for the Trojanian had perceived the gigantic wooden sculpture as a gift from the gods of the land for commemorating their victory over the Grecians.

After much celebration to the tribute of their victory over the Grecian and her allies; Achilles and his men alighted from the wooden horse that was already rolled into the city of Troy and stroke down all the brave men with the edge of sword at midnight when all the brave men of Troy were drunk and fast asleep.
Of the truth every romantic relationship unhealthy void of sexual purity especially the boy friend and girl friend paradigm is orchestrated by the devil to steal, kill and destroy the young folks’ dreams, visions, aspirations, future, destiny and peace of heart.
If the only time you experience peace of heart is when you are in good terms with him, then you've been entangled; it's a dangerous deal. Progress in life will be difficult, because without peace there isn't any joy which could help you draw from the well of salvation - Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:3
Every romantic relationship driven by carnal ambitions is deadly. “For to be carnally minded is death: but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” Romans 8:16

The carnal realm is the devil’s habitat. This is where it all started… thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field: upon thy belly shalt thou go, AND DUST SHALT THOU EAT ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. Genesis 3:14
The Almighty God in His supremacy prescribed the kind of diet Satan should feed on all the days of his life and it has stood for ages. Satan does not feed on physical dust, he feast on human flesh and blood.
How? AND THE LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7
Though man is spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body; the body of man is the substance of the dust; product of dust.

Guess what! We don't eat uncooked food, we feed on herbs, meat and other stuffs, these food items must be properly cooked before we could eat them. Likewise the devil doesn't feed on the raw dust, but the prepared or refined dust which is the human flesh and blood, through war, cult rivalry wars on our campuses, occult and ritual sacrifices, accident, abortion, witch and wizardry attacks, sicknesses and diseases, poverty and suicide that might be cause by disappointment in a romantic relationship: the list goes on…

What is Blood?
For the life of the flesh is in the blood… Leviticus 17:11
Your life as a mortal being is the blood, whatsoever troubles your life, sucks your blood that is why you'll see someone under emotional entanglement getting lean and leaner on a daily base. Whatsoever temper with your time, emotions, plans, happiness, joy, money, health etc tempers with your life and subsequently affects the supply of blood.
“for the life of the flesh is in the blood,” also, the blood carries the life of the flesh, when your body is pierced or cut blood gushes out – that's your life pouring out.
When the virtues that constitute your life are tempered with, the blood that carries that life might release the life and the manifestation is death.
The devil is aware that the life of the flesh is the blood which is sourced in dust. That's why he gets you enticed in a romantic relationship that is based on carnality, a realm of the flesh and blood (your life) through sexual intercourse with a Trojan insider and when the time is right he inspires the guy to jilt you which will definitely stifle and frustrate your entire life's expectations.

If abortion did not destroy you, childhood disease will be the next available weapon in the devils hand. A damsel like you; full of life and great expectations – the suitable weapon in the devil’s arsenal is a Trojan man – an insider; agent of darkness that poses as a lover.

The devil will use a Trojan guy or man to get hold of your heart (center of life's regulation, where blood is pumped) this is where he'll occupy for a time and time, once he is seated as a Trojan agent of death, his master will begin to use him to remote and control your emotions, happiness, wealth and health.
And hear this, these forces only strike whenever you want to advance or take a leap from one level of progress to the next in life. You will just notice that he begins to act up – not caring again. But this is not going to be your experience in Jesus name.

Implication of this Truth
In my second year, I had a friend now in Dellas Texas – Ekamma, she was lovely and had everything a lad could dream of in a lady. Three weeks to my first semester third year examination, she just got me suffused with a blush, followed by several bluffing and lies, she suddenly stopped taking my calls. I couldn't fathom why she left me and the course that I was suppose to study that week was physical chemistry (CHM 2211). I couldn't concentrate on my studies, and during the exam I didn't write anything. Some weeks after the exams we cheaply reconciled. But the “F9” I had in that course affected even my cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and my final degree result.

My tears became water in Baruch's desert
I warned Baruch of the Trojan girls, he said Baba! “I know what am doing.” The name of his then girlfriend was Gift.
A couple of weeks to his second semester examination, Gift jilted Baruch for no reason and that was it, he couldn't concentrate and he failed almost all his courses. As I write to you he's still a school dropout.
The devil didn't attack Baruch directly with sickness or disease, but uses a Trojan girl to destroy his career education.
Be careful because “easy come is easy go” any relationship that starts with full force and everything seems to happen very fast, watch! That person is on a mission to steal, kill and destroy – he might not be aware that he is being used by the devil against you

He said it's over… Resist Not the Evil…
You've heard people talk about heart break: maybe you've seen someone mentally derail and you might be surprised that that situation was an aftermath of a heart break; it's so devastating that lovers in the downwind of disappointment may even attempt to commit suicide. All the same, evil has occurred.
Ye have heard that it hath been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil; but whoso ever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:38-39
There are many reasons that could suffice for his decision to jilt you; he might have been wrong though; then he wasn't for real – real men are either perfect. Maybe he was right; especially if you are disrespectful, unfaithful and a wicked complainer.
what to do when he says it's over @rhymzde

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