in HeartChurch4 years ago

Prayer does much but prayer plus praise do much more. Prayer moves mountain but praises moves the hand that moves mountains. When Peter was thrown into prison by Herod, the believers were able to praise Him in the prison. Paul and Silas prayed and praised-opened prison gates; broke chains and set all prisoners free.

There is power in praise and today's Bible reading says we should enter God's presence with praise . Determine to spend time in praising God and when you do, like the Psalmist puts it; then shall the earth yield her increase for is and God will bless us too.

No request please just praise God today and while doing this, expect His healing, lifting up of burdens from off your neck and joy unspeakable. Praise God today.

Psalms 100

Shout with joy before the Lord, O earth!
2 Obey him gladly; come before him, singing with joy.
3 Try to realize what this means--the Lord is God! He made us--we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Go through his open gates with great thanksgiving; enter his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name.
5 For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation.

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