Instruct the Child on the right path! (Happy Children's Day)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Instruct a child in his way,
And even when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22: 6


On the third Sunday of each month of July, in Venezuela, it is customary to celebrate the International Children's Day, a holiday where we can honor the little ones in the house and in the Church, the word of God is very clear regarding the teaching that we must Give to the children from the moment they become part of the Celestial family, the preparation begins at home and then each teacher in the school and in this case in the church reinforces the knowledge and norms learned.

We as children of God must learn to teach our children correctly and with word orientation, because at this stage they are like sponges that disturb everything around them, and it is important to teach them to retain the good and discard the bad, in this way they will continue to grow according to God's purpose and will be good men and women.


In our hands is the upbringing of each little one, who wants to learn, and as long as we follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ we will achieve the goal, let us remember that God says in Saint Matthew 19:14

"But Jesus said: Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

The kingdom belongs to the children, but each one of them has to grow, and if God has not yet come for his people, we must take advantage and teach them about his word, because we do not know when it will come, and perhaps the children who are Now, later they are adults and have their own children, if we teach them from now on they will grow and become the best parents, and they will be able to teach the new generation of children that will come.

Happy Children's Day, Blessings!

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