in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Am so glad to have found this platform here

Today let talk about love ,firstly I will love to ask WHAT IS LOVE?
Love is God and God is love
1cor 13:4
ESV:Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;

Love does not reciprocate evil for good ,love those not pay back evil for evil ,love tolorate, love educate and love appreciate and that is the love of God

God has shown us so much love that we can not even explain ,
the love of God is indescribable, uncontainable it is nothing words can tell,this love was demonstrated by Jesus on the cross of Calvary .
oooo that cross where he cried , suffered and went through severe pain just for you and I .
A love that died Even when we where yet sinners undeserving he still never gave up on us .

This love is everlasting it is not a function of what we did or have done and cannot change because of what we do .
It is a love that has been shared abroad in our heart❤️ a love that we should accept and reciprocate as brothers and sisters.
It a love we should show to one another not in return for anything

Let your love be pure and genuine so as when you tell someone I love you
You are equally telling the person I God you
God is love and Love is God

I want to say a very big thank you to the admins of this great team it a very big pleasure to be here thanks for giving us this great platform .

 3 years ago 

Love also brought us together in this community; to prefer others before ourselves. Thanks for identifying with Heartchurch community

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