in HeartChurch3 years ago

Source: cdn.christianpost.com

While he was still speaking, there came from qthe ruler’s house some who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to qthe ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.” Mark 5:35–36 (ESV)

Do you know that these chaps came to tell Jairus the facts of his daughters health? They weren't lying according to evidence and physical facts but the product of that information (though factual) would nullify the healing (truth) of the daughter by Jesus because it kicks out faith by attracting fear. That's why scripture says that we walk by faith (what we believe based on God's word) and not by sight (physical evidence/facts).

In this instance and all similar instances, Jesus gave some pertinent advice viz: Don't listen to them (the facts, who are you not to listen to? I might get in trouble with this! Bearers of facts and evidence that say it is too late for God) as long as it goes cross wire to what you have believed that I have said. Just keep trusting Me (O boy! I am really stirring the pot now).

Of course, the natural man will call you stupid, irrational and crazy for daring to try and deny reality (the facts), but Jesus calls things that aren't facts yet (truth though invisible) as if they are already facts (to the consternation of none spiritual folk).

Source: coffeewithstarla.com

It just doesn't make sense; one would say. Yes, it is foolishness to the carnal man.

Do you want to get it from God, you better be ready to look foolish and laugh last as you sure will be laughed at (you can take that to the bank).

Realise that under same conditions, they laughed Jesus to scorn!
In essence, the laughter was that Jesus had lost His mind (you will be in good company if they laugh at your confidence in God).

Do as Jesus said and you would be likened to the man who built on stoney ground.


Of course, the natural man will call you stupid, irrational and crazy for daring to try to deny reality (the facts), but Jesus calls things that are not yet facts (truth although invisible) as if they were already facts (the truth ). dismay of any spiritual people).

Good message brother. Let's not stop believing what God says in his word and not in the things we see. Blessings for your life and family.

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