in HeartChurch4 years ago

Image Source: www.ucg.org


The manner of eternity that awaits you depends on the manner of person that you are. What you sow is what you stand to reap. “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting” (Galatians 6:8). Your personal role in where you will spend eternity is what no one can undertake for you, not even the mercy of God. The mercy of God will not force you against your will, but, it will make you stand strong in the will of God for your life and strengthen you in your willingness not to miss heaven. God will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. This is an expression of His willingness to save all; but, whoever gets saved is up to the person. No one goes to heaven by mistake; it is all factored by the output of your life here on earth. The gift of life which you have in your being is given to help you prepare and determine the eternity of your soul.

Heaven and hell are two destinations left for all mankind, there is no mid way in it. It is either you are saved and you are heading for heaven or you are wallowing in sin and you are heading for hell the place that burn with fire and brimstone. You can’t claim to be sitting on the fence, there isn’t anything like fence. You are either in or out, you either have your life washed by the blood of Jesus and you are going to heaven or you are having your garments stained with sin and you are hell bound. Either way; it is up to you. The issue of eternity is what no one should take lightly. It calls for a complete alignment of your whole being to the dictates and provisions of God’s Word.

If you fail to subject yourself to the allowances of God’s Word, you disqualify yourself from the heaven guaranteed by God’s Word. So much has to do with your submission to God’s Word. God rules and reigns by His Word. If you are living; daily contesting His Word for your path in life, how do you expect to reign with Him eternally, when He reigns and rules by His Word? What manner of person are you? Your sincere answer to this question has so much bearing on the eternity of your soul.

Image Source: image1.slideserve.com

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