in HeartChurch3 years ago

Source: ourjourneywithgod.files.wordpress.com

There is a song in my Igbo local dialect we used to sing. I just remembered it now.

Ihe m nwere kam genye Chukwu
ma menwegh mewere onwem nye ya.


What I have I can give to God,
Even if I do not have anything
I offer my self.

My question, Is Almighty God in need of anything that he cannot provide all by himself? The answer is capital NO! He is all sufficient by himself. In fact He has the whole world in his hands.

Hear what GOD says in the book of Psalm chapter 50: 10-12 (ESV)

For every beast of the forest is mine,
the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know all the birds of the hills,
and all that moves in the field is mine.
“If I were hungry, I would not tell you,
for the world and its fullness are mine.

God does not need food, man does.
God does not need money, man does.
God does not need cars, man does.
God does not need a house, his place of abode is in the heavenly, but man needs a house.

God does not have need for salvation, but man desperately does. Out of God’s agape Love He gave His only begotten son as a sacrifice for sin of man.

The bible in the epistle of Apostle Paul to the Romans chapter 5:8, that God demonstrates his Love towards mankind; that He gave His Son Yeshua to die for our sins even as we turned our backs on Him. He has an immeasurable Love for you and I who once turned away from him to obey Satan the devil.

Source: onepassiononedevotion.files.wordpress.com

Is there anything that God requires from us since his offer of salvation is free of charge? Yes! What he requires from us is still for our own Good. He is all sufficient in Himself. He is pleading with us to see the need for our acceptance if his free offer of salvation.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned
every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on
him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6 (ESV)

What does God require from us? Yes! He requires our willing acceptance of his offer of salvation.

Hear the Saviour at the door,
Let Him in, Let Him in, Let Him in:
He has often knock’d before,
Let Him in, Let Him in, Let Him in.

‘Tis the Saviour standing at the door,
He’s been watching, waiting there before;
Open wide the heart of sin,
Let the blessed Saviour in;
Let Him in, Let Him in._ Author: L. H. Parthemore

A Christian is one who has offered to God his or her Heart. The heart is the seat of all human activity. That is what you have to offer to God willingly. He wants to dwell in your heart in order to moderate your activities so that you may conform to his Holy image. When this is done, you are now expected to keep looking unto Jesus Christ who is the beginning of the new life and the finisher too.

Is there any other thing God wants from you? Yes! You do not own yourself any longer. He knows what is best for you only if you can trust him to lead you to green pastures. If he gave you His only begotten son without looking back, God also expects you to serve him without reservation.

As a Christian the Lord expects you to engage in providing goods to others Christians especially. The bible says “God is a rewarder of them that diligently serve him. What an awesome promise that when you work for the good of others, God himself works for you. He does not owe any man.
God has laws in place for us. It is called the Law of sowing and reaping. The Law of giving and receiving. Do not ignore these.

Sacrificial service to God earns great reward here and hereafter.



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