in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)



Jonathan, the father of Mephiboshet, the first son of king Saul was more than a prince, he was the crown prince. And by everyone’s expectation Jonathan would be the next king of Israel after Saul his father.

After the battle at the Valley of Elah; where youthful David killed the giant of Gath named Goliath. Thereafter David was expected to present a report to his commander in-chief, Saul the King.

The soul of Jonathan Saul’s first son was knit to the soul of David: This happened after David had finished speaking to Saul. Jonathan heard David give an extended explanation of his heart, his faith in the living God, and Jonathan knew that he and David had the same heart. They could not be such close friends until Jonathan knew that about David. The two men, each on track for the same throne – yet they made a covenant of friendship that would prove stronger than jealousy, envy, and ambition.

However, there arose a war between Israel and the Philistines. King Saul and his three sons, including Jonathan the father of Mephiboshet, David’s beloved friend; died in that war at the Mount Gilboa. David mourned over the death of Saul and his son Jonathan and also sang a lamentation. See 2 Samuel chapter 1.

When David was crowned King of Israel, he remembered his diseased beloved friend Jonathan and enquired about the remnant of His house to show his love.

David asked, "Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake? 2 Samuel 9:1

Mephiboshet was the lame son of Jonathan, King Saul's son and David's bosom friend. When he found himself in the presence of the king, he fell on the floor. David said to him, fear not!


And David said to him, “Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father, and you shall eat at my table always.” 2 Samuel 9:7(ESV)

Mephibosheth's invite was not based on anything he did, it was all based on what Jonathan did. The same is true for the believer. Your invite to the table is not based on anything you did or will do, but totally on what Jesus has done for you. So, stop being afraid when you get into the presence of God, He is your Father. God loves you with an everlasting love and it is irrevocable and irreversible. He loves you just the way you are.

Read the account very well and you will notice that for three consecutive times, David said to him, Mephibosheth, from now you will be eating at my table continually. The reason why a lot of believers live below their family inheritance is that they have refused to get up from the floor. It is the devil that put you on the floor because of your sins. When Jesus came, He paid in full and prepared a table and said: come to the table.

When you sit on the table, they will not see your weakness. You are seeing your weakness because you have refused to sit on the table that Christ has prepared. At this table you are more than conqueror. At this table there is no condemnation. At this table you have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Come to the table and see your true picture. Amen.

God’s Love is Transcendental. You are a carrier of this love. Keep it rolling to all mankind.


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