in HeartChurch4 years ago



  • There are things men fear which are of no consequence as much as the fear of falling into the hands of the living God.

The very nature of God evolves fear and if you fail to clothe yourself with the fear of God which propels for a life of sanctity and purity; you will be playing loose and you will be terribly trapped. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you fail to fear God, you are simply being foolish. The Bible says in Matthew 10:28 – “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. if you choose not to fear, but feel you can fall into His hands and go free, you are deceiving yourself. If He didn’t spare Moses; a man He spoke with face to face, why do you think He will spare you?

Moses fell into the hands of the living God, when he refused to heed to a particular instruction God gave him. God told him in clear terms that he wasn’t going to enter into the promised land, as a result of that singular act of disobedience. Moses at a time, thought it was something he could talk over with God at a later time, when God’s temper would have calmed down. Alas! When he brought up the issue, God warned him sternly never to talk about it again. He took him to a particular spot and made him see the promised land from afar, but told him, he wasn’t going to enter it. That is the God we are talking about. I don’t know the favor you claim to be enjoying with God, for which you expect God to overlook your life of vileness. If He didn’t spare Moses in a singular act of disobedience, where do you stand in your vast array of iniquity?

God is a merciful God; but, at the same time a consuming fire. You must not allow the merciful nature of God take the fear of God away from your eyes, by failing to consider His other side. Seeking to live habitually in sin while undermining His continuous appeal for you to turn away from sin, will make you fall awfully into His hands and you will find it very regretful. Let His fear restrain you from all that He forbids for you and constrain you to doing all that He commands you and you shall live enjoying His mercies.


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