in HeartChurch4 years ago



Like begets like; it is very obvious that a lion cannot give birth to a dog. The offspring of a lion is a lion. Our Lord and Savior is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and we are His offspring. One great trait of a lion is that as the strongest among beasts, a lion does not turn away for any. This trait also goes with the lion that you are in Christ. There are those who turn away at the slightest of conflicts; they will tell you that he who runs away will live to fight another day. Lying devil!

If the devil is able to put you on the run today, you can be very sure that he will keep you on the run perpetually. The Bible says for you to resist the devil and he will flee. Scriptures affirm in Ephesians 6:13 – “Having done all, to stand”. It is in your spiritual make up to be able to withstand the devil in all his subtle advances. You are to stand to celebrate the victory that is yours always in Christ; proclaiming –

“Thanks be unto God, Which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:14).

No matter the level of conflict, you have been divinely configured with all it takes to put that devil on the run. No matter the dimension it takes; you are to stir up the lion in you and refuse to turn for any, refuse to take no for an answer. You are to stand to ensure that it is unto you according to the Word of God. You stir up the lion in you by anchoring your situation on the provisions of God’s Word. No matter the conflict; you stir up the lion in you by standing courageously to feed in the Word of God for your situation, no matter what the enemy wants you to believe concerning the situation. If you persist with the Word of God concerning that situation, you will see the devil take to his heels. Yours is to stand and the devil’s is to flee.

Moses told the Israelites in their encounter with the red sea – “fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD” (Exodus 14:13). That mandate has not changed as you face the challenges of life. Stand still with God’s Word to see the salvation the Lord brings. Stand still to see that devil take to his heels. No matter what the devil brings; you will prevail by the Word of God. Jesus; in His encounter with the devil in the wilderness was persistent with the Word and He got the devil on the run. Stir up the lion in you by persisting with the Word. One person has to give way and that is the devil.

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