in HeartChurch2 years ago


THOMAS EDISON made 999 mistakes and got right at 1000.

Brace up and forge ahead. A life on the move is a life unhindered by the mistakes of the past. The fact that you did not get it right today does not mean you will ever be wrong. Prophet Micah was very emphatic in his declaration –

“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me” Micah 7:8.

The enemy has no right to rejoice over you, neither does he have any right to keep you under. If there are no mistakes in life; then, there will be no need for courage. It takes courage to rise from the wreckage of a mistake to forge ahead on a divinely appointed path. If you refuse to lose sight of the mistakes of yesterday, you will not be able to stand to celebrate the victories of tomorrow.

No matter how terrible the slump of your mistakes have been; there are victories lined up ahead of you. All you need is to brace up and forge ahead. The fact that you’ve made a mistake does not make you are a failure. You are not a failure until you refuse to try again. The effect of your mistake is simply an eye opener as to how not to do it again. Successful people are people who probably have failed several times but refused to give up trying.

THOMAS EDISON made 999 mistakes and got right at 1000.

You can make it. Yes you really can.

Don’t build around people’s opinion of your efforts. What you tell yourself is what matters. If you learn to tell yourself that you can make it, you will experience the invigorating power of faith rising within you to propel you to the point of victory. Brace up, speak comfortably to yourself. If there is none to tell you, you can make it; tell yourself, you can. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Don’t be too ashamed that you remain in the slump of your mistake. Brace up and forge ahead.


The people that have seen you fail are not up to the people that will see you succeed. If you will refuse to give up, those who laughed at your mistake will turn around to celebrate your victory.

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