in HeartChurch3 years ago



Your enemies may gather waiting to undo you; but, they shall scatter and perish.

Can you imagine the kind of reception Jesus met, when He arrived the country of the Gadarenes? It was like a legion of demon spirits gathered together in the life of one man and they were waiting for His arrival. Immediately Jesus stepped out of the ship to land; they showed up.

Whatever their agenda was; the truth of the matter was that they ended up being flushed into the herd of swine nearby, feeding on the mountain and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.

Perhaps the devil as his manner is, had positioned this man stuffed with demon spirits to embarrass the Master. Immediately they encountered Jesus, they bowed in submission and they literally begged to take their leave.

It doesn’t matter what the enemy has mobilized against you; gathered and waiting to cause you shame, they shall all bow in submission to the rod of your authority. You have not come in your name, you have come in the name of the Lord and at the name of Jesus every knee bows: whether they be things in heaven or things on earth or things underneath the earth.


They shall own up to the Lordship of Jesus over your life. Many today get so unduly bothered about the fear of satanic confrontation. You bear in your body the mark of the Lord Jesus and you stand as a terror to the forces of darkness. Even when you don’t feel it; they know it. They shall locate you to submit themselves to you. Christ in you the hope of glory; you carry His authority and His mandate for dominion. There is nothing of the enemy that can put you under.

Scriptures agree that they may gather waiting to undo you; but, they shall scatter and perish. They shall be crushed under the rod of your authority. The Bible says in Isaiah 8:9 – “Associate yourselves o ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; …. Gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces”.

They have God’s permission to gather if they so desire; but, every such permission goes with God’s approval for them to break and scatter. Their number notwithstanding, their assignment against you notwithstanding; they shall be confounded by the presence of God with you, working to preserve the holy presence of God in your life, turns out to be the reason why you stand as an impossible task to the enemy.

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