in HeartChurch4 years ago



Something may be appearing as the obvious thing to do in the face of a particular challenge or confrontation in life; but, you must never give in on the face value. Seek divine guidance and your sail shall be sweet. In the words of the song writer –

  • “With Jesus in the vessel, I will smile at the storm”.

That thing parading itself as the obvious thing to do, may turn out to be out of it completely when the Lord steps in with a divine instruction. When multitude of people followed Jesus into the wilderness to hear Him preach; as obvious as it was for the multitude of people to be sent on their way before it got dark, in order to enable them go and fend for themselves, (since neither Jesus nor the disciples had enough for themselves, talk less of the multitude); the disciples were surprised and shocked when Jesus told them to get the people seated for food.

Never you give in to the obvious; rather, seek to hear from God. if the obvious that seems to be hovering around you, becomes the thing God will have you do, let it come from Him and not from the instincts of your fleshy mind. Don’t forget that we are not sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as of ourselves, our sufficiency is of God. it is not how it looks in your eyes that matter; but, what God has already seen concerning it.

He sees the end from the beginning. He sees what you cant see and He knows what you don’t know. Going at His biding, turns out to be your best bet any day. He watches over His Word to perform it. Going at His bidding gets His eyes on you like no other thing does.
After a great victory over Jericho; the Israelites were confronted by a very small nation called Ai, a country which by no standard could be compared with Jericho. They did what looked like the obvious by sending a very insignificant part of their army of soldiers to overrun Ai, they refused to seek God’s face concerning the battle.

They were taken aback when the obvious turned out to be the humiliation of Israel and it made their victory over Jericho to look like a mistake. It was only then that Joshua fell on His face to the ground to do the needful, by seeking God’s face. No matter how viable the options are before you; the obvious thing to do in any situation is to seek God’s face, whether in big or small matters.


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