in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)



Luke 4:20:

"And he closed the book, and He gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him".

  • This passage confirms the prophecy written about Jesus in Isaiah 61:1-4.

Often time, we allow some so called highly placed personalities of this world intimidate us and put our mouth on silence mode. At such times, we forget who we are. We forget that we are carrying the presence of the Almighty Jehovah. The all conquering God.

I remember as a young born again Christian young boy in high school. One day I was summoned by the school principal to his office. I skipped breath many times as I stood before him. I could not look up to his face. However, my spirit re-entered me when he opened his mouth to appreciate me for standing out from among other students who according to him misbehaved during the last Children's Day.

God wants us His children to carry His presence with the boldness of Jesus. Jesus could have entered the synagogue, seen the religious rulers and taken the back seat, even though He was anointed by God for the assignment. God has not given us the spirit of Fear but of boldness and sound mind.


If Jesus had sat down like ordinary men, with the anointing, nothing would have happened. The seat had been prepared for Jesus, but He could not sit on it until He found Himself in the book. As soon as He did, all eyes were fastened on Him.

You need to take a bold step before God would announce you. He is not raising an end-time weakling, cowardly army. He is raising an army of power and authority, who will take their place.

Are you among them? If you are, find and know who you are, look for your seat and sit. God will honour you as you sit on your seat. Amen.

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