in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Saludos mis hermanos y amigos, Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes esta reflexión titulada: “VIVIR PARA CRISTO”.

21 Porque para mí el vivir es Cristo, y el morir es ganancia. Filipenses 1:21.

Tremenda enseñanza nos deja Pablo en este pasaje, para él, el vivir es Cristo; pero si moría era ganancia, porque iba a estar con el Señor.

Pablo se alegraba porque a muerte lo acercaba a Cristo, pero si se quedaba aquí en la tierra, su objetivo era trabajar para Cristo.

En todas las circunstancias por las que pasó Pablo, entre ellas estar en prisión, hallaba su inspiración, meta y sentido en Jesucristo. Ese era su razón de vivir.

Así que, podemos observar que el máximo anhelo del apóstol Pablo era su relación con Cristo; no le importaba lo que le pasara en su vida terrenal, su meta estaba puesta en la eternidad, porque allí si lograría su meta de estar con Cristo para siempre.

Muchos viven apegados a lo material, y aman tanto lo terrenal que miran la muerte como su enemigo. Dios hoy nos dice que tus ojos deben estar puestos en la eternidad y no en las cosas terrenales de este mundo, que se terminan en un cerrar y abrir los ojos.

Que ese sea el sentir nuestro, vivir aquí en la tierra para agradar y servir a Cristo; pero si tenemos que partir, que sea de alegría porque vamos a estar con Cristo para siempre. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas no desean morir. Es un apego a lo terrenal.

A medida que buscas de Cristo y te acercas más y más a Él, tu vida va a empezar a cambiar y desearías estar con Él por la eternidad. Que se haga una realidad: “Vivir para Cristo”.

Dios te bendiga.


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Greetings my brothers and friends, Today I want to share with you this reflection entitled: "LIVING FOR CHRIST".

21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:21.

Paul leaves us tremendous teaching in this passage, for him, living is Christ; but if he died it was gain, because he was going to be with the Lord.

Paul was happy because death brought him closer to Christ, but if he stayed here on earth, his goal was to work for Christ.

In all the circumstances that Paul went through, including being in prison, he found his inspiration, goal, and meaning in Jesus Christ. That was his reason for living.

So, we can see that the greatest desire of the apostle Paul was his relationship with Christ; He did not care what happened to him in his earthly life, his goal was set in eternity, because there he would achieve his goal of being with Christ forever.

Many live attached to the material, and love the earthly so much that they see death as their enemy. God today tells us that your eyes should be on eternity and not on the earthly things of this world, which end in the blink of an eye.

May that be our feeling, to live here on earth to please and serve Christ; But if we have to leave, let it be joyful because we are going to be with Christ forever. However, most people do not want to die. It is an attachment to the earthly.

As you seek Christ and get closer and closer to Him, your life will begin to change and you will wish to be with Him for eternity. Let it become a reality: "Live for Christ."

God bless you

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