Spiritual Discipline and Genuine Service to God - Child Training

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Good day beautiful people. Hope you all enjoyed your day. And happy children's day once again to everyone as we all are children to some people. Now continuing from Here, there are moral teachings and spiritual teachings that we have to train our children with. I have talked about respect for people, respect for rulers and authorities, righterous living and values. Next is

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Spiritual Discipline

Talkig about spiritual discipline, I mean we should train our children in Prayers, teach them how to pray fervently and aright; Fasting, this could start from little time till they get used to it and do more and for long; Attending church programmes regularly, children need to be taught this as early as possible as they grow so that they will get used to it on time. Remember the bible says in Heb 10 verse 25

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Genuine Service Unto God

But Samuel, though he was only a boy, served the LORD. He wore a linen garment like that of a priest.
1 Sam 2:18

Hypocrisy is in a lot of people today and most times, it started from ehrn they were young because they were only forced to serve God and not taught about God. We should ensure that we really teach our children to genuinely love God and not just for the fun of it or high service. We should also pray for them and thats most important.


Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby


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eed now.

  • Discipline is difficult and some of us need training wheels :D

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