The Relevance...........

in HeartChurch4 years ago



Why are here, where are we going and who brought us here are some of the questions we ask ourselves. Far as we are on this Earth means that we were brought by someone, not just a chance or mistake! But, with some intended purposes that is why we are here. With some reasons we should know where we are going.

There are some relevance that we should know or learn, as far as it wasn't a mistake or by chance that we were all brought unto this land. A scenario I want to put across here, having a pet like a dog to secure your house, it was brought purposely to provide security because of may be theft or other bad animals coming to the house. In this case, you provide shelter, food, water and everything for the dog to keep servicing the purpose why it was brought to the house. If the dog fails to perform the reason it was brought to the house, you can sell it, since it will be irrelevant to still keep it.

We have the same mission like having a pet that you want it to serve you. We must serve our Master, the Almighty God who brought as here or Earth. We are not here to just make fun or celebrate and go away, but we must accomplish certain purpose, that is what is relevant for us. What relevance? Praising God with all our heart, might and glorifying him all the time!

Psalm 86:12 (NIV)

"I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."

We ought praise God for bringing us to see and enjoy the World. Not all people have survived and enjoyed in this World, some died in their infants ages, some died through sickness throughout their lives time, some suffered a lot in this life before they died. But, if we are living a normal life, we should always praise God Almighty. We should thank God for the gifts He has offered us; the gifts of children, money, property, jobs, travelling mercies and every thing in this World to interact with. Everything we are using on this Earth were made by God. God will be appreciated if we will use some his given talents and assets to glorify his name or praise him that, Oh God, this what you have done for me, so get this!

We need to worship him all the time, without hesitating to do that, since He brought us with a purpose to serve him. Whether pains or happiness, we should thank him for what is happening, since we can't made a day or night. Is God who made all things possible and can change things as and when necessary. The relevance of praising God is important and we should remember always to do so.

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