We Were Called.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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We all have our roles to play after we have been saved. We are not just to learn of the doctrines of Christ only for the betterment of ourselves but for us to impact others and shine our lights for all to see. Christian life is a daily work to please God and we are to carry out the instructions as given to us by God in His Holy Book.

What is expected of us as believers?

As a believer, we have been saved to:


Ephesians 2:6 (NIV)

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,

HE has RAISED Us TOGETHER with HIM; so as a believer, we have no business being at the rear or the bottom. We don't have to feel defeated because Christ saved us so we won't have to feel defeated. Jesus shed HIS priceless blood to make us live worthy lives so we have to stop living at the mercy of the devil. The essence of the gift of righteousness is for us to reign as written in Romans 5:17. The redemptive work of Christ forbids us to regress.


Whenever GOD calls a person, it’s always for a reason. We have worthy examples in the Bible with the case of Saul turned Paul, Samuel, David and so many others too.

Living without serving is indulging in an existence without consequence. That’s a waste of space because we have been called to achieve so much more and it would be disappointing to God if we choose to live life as though we are not accountable to God. According to the Westminster catechism, the chief aim of man is to glorify GOD and enjoy HIM forever.

In the absence of a dedication to service, that would be absolutely impossible. Service is a cure for many things including depression; self absorption makes people vulnerable to depression. Those wrapped up in themselves end up a truly small package. When we have something to live for, it helps a great deal and being immersed in service to God is a great deal.


By GOD’s estimation, the highest honour is that of a SOUL WINNER. We have been saved to save another. God doesn't want anyone to perish but He wants everyone to come to the understanding of who He is. Whatever GOD has started in you, must not end with you. We are to spread the fragrance of His goodness. What we have learned and known of Him, we should speak to those who don't know yet and let Holy Spirit do the convincing.

One of the ways not to lose the joy of our Salvation is to continue to share it with others. You don’t lose your salvation if you don’t witness to others but you rob yourself of the joy that comes with it when you refuse to let your light shine as the Bible as instructed us that’s why being a Christian is becoming a dreary experience for many.

The stakes are getting higher, the contest for space is getting keener and our mandate from GOD is to continue to occupy till He comes.

Let everyday be another opportunity to plant the seeds of GOD’s WORD in every available space around you.

You can pray with someone, send out scriptural references, send them messages of the clips you have listened to that has blessed your lives. These are the various ways you can witness to others and you might be surprised how timely it would be for them.

The opportunities to be a blessing are actually listless for those who seek to… You can be someone’s lifeline today and the far reaching impact of your willingness to be a blessing cannot be grasped by the stretch of your imagination. Do your bit for Christ and let God do the rest.


@HeartChurch is a place to be. We are a community of people who sets out to be different while upholding the virtues of Christ. A community of people who understands values, upholds honesty and supports each other. Where would you rather be?

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Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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