There Is No Free Zone In Life.

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Psalm 33:16 & 17 (NIV)

No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.
A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.

May we never get to the point where we think we don't need God. The truth is, you will always need God regardless of your state or position. There is no time where you wouldn't need God.

Life is funny and totally unpredictable and as a believer, we have been prepared for this life ahead when Jesus told us that tribulations will come but we should not let it overwhelm us since He has conquered the world.

Most people trust in their money to always help but there would always be situations that would call for your money to be of no consequence and you would have to call on higher authority of God to help you through. Just when you think you understand life, some things just happen to turn your understanding upside. That's God's way of getting our attention and for Him to let us know He controls everything.

Proverbs 21:1 (NIV)

In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.

You might be rich and you would have to rely on God to heal you when you've thrown money at a situation that isn't improving. You are poor or low on cash and there are mounting situations that requires your immediate response, you will always need God. You are single and hoping to get married to someone who will love you and do right by you or you are married, there would come a time you will cry to God to help you either in conceiving or in dealing with stuff you thought you were prepared for but found out you weren't.

Yours might be looking for a job or trying to get into a school or you are undecided about life after school. Others might be because they are sick, others might need to also intercede for others in the place of prayer while others might need help with their family, in securing that contract or hoping for that big break that will change their life's narrative. All these things are relative as it applies to individuals differently but one thing remains the same, you will always need God.

Rather than fight it, just embrace it and trust God to help you. After you have done all you can, allow God to help you do all you can't. Call on God but keep rowing to the shore.

There is no free zone in life where you won't need God. God is indispensable.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Yes, you are right in saying that we do not exist without the Creator because whatever we do in the world without the Creator would be wrong because everything in the world is for Him.We certainly need the Creator because He is so powerful that there is no comparison in His power because He can turn a millionaire into a fakir in an instant and a fakir into a millionaire in an instant.We need to strengthen our faith in the Creator because He is able to prevent thousands of millionaires from doing many things in the blink of an eye. That power is a huge thing, so we can't do without it.

This is a beautiful comment. Detailed too. We cannot do without God.

We always need God both good time and bad time of our life.

Very true, my friend.

We need God in every situation of our life but we are so much selfish that we forget him in our good situation.

Very true. We need Him at all times.

Whoever does not think he needs God is simply because he has not realized who supports him.

I totally agree with this. Yes.

So beautiful brother 💪😎🥰

Thanks a lot.

Welcome my brother 💪😎. Can us be friends?

Absolutely. It would be my delight.

No one is too big for Gods help. We will always need him in all situations of life.

Exactly. Always.

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