All Things New.

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
Revelation 21:5 NKJV

Irrespective of where you stand situationally, GOD’S word is true and valid for all seasons.
The Father has instructed me to announce to you, "See, I making all things new, all things new".

You are experiencing newness across board. It's a new level, a new season for you. Don't be quick to settle for the good, because better is coming. And your best is yet to come. Rejoice, your strength is renewed, your vitality is renewed, your hope is renewed. Your anointing is renewed.

Perhaps, yours is the case of Samson who hair was cut short and eyes plucked out. Whose anointing was terminated and vision inhibited. Newness is springing forth out of bareness. You will sing a new song and dance your dance. You better believe it because it is settled already.

Walk out your salvation and use the Word of God because you can bank on them. GOD is not a man that He should lie. Has He not said it? He will do it. Has He not spoken it? He will make it good.
Congratulations are in order, He is making all things new.

To experience the new, we have to try and be new too as we try to walk in righteousness with God. We have to deny our self and not fuel our human aspect. Whatever we feed is what we would see and labouring of the Word of God with diligent studies would help us daily die to self.

Self can be likened to king Saul which means Desired, while the new creation is like king David which means Beloved. As much as self loves itself and the desires of self is what it loves to prosecute at all times by disregarding the will of God. For self is highly ambitious and it is a deadly grabber. Give self an inch, it wants a mile and many more. Self is weird and wild in nature: this is Ishmael. While the new creation is laughter in fulfillment: this is Isaac.

We know that if it were to be Ishmael that the Lord asked Abraham to go offer up as sacrifice on the mount, he would have screamed that his father was mad and a murderer. That is, he wouldn't have submitted himself to the will of God as Isaac obediently did. This is why the only sentence towards self is mandatory crucifixion.

Finally, self is a hypocritical lover, but this truth won't be known until all advantages are taken away. The bottom line is that self always fails at the end.

We have to ensure that it is brought to justice, just as our sins were nailed to the cross. However, we do the nailing of self by ourselves in grace. Thus, to love as the Lord has ordained is to do so always in the absence of self. I once said that walking in love is tantamount to walking in the Spirit and also, it is the pinnacle of spirituality. Self must fall and be crucified.


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My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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