WHO DO YOU REPRESENT? | 10% to @heartchurch
From the beginning of creation, the Almighty God has created man to be His ambassador on the earth. Man was made to act on behalf of the Lord on the earth. Man was relieved of his work because of sin and lost all the benefits that should naturally have been easily his. However, the Lord gives us salvation through Jesus Christ.
As many who as answer to this call becomes the Lord's Ambassadors representing Him everywhere on the earth. This was the authority the apostle of old had.
Are you a representative of the Lord Jesus or Satan? Your response to the Lord's calls will tell whose representative you are, according to 1 Peter 2:9, It is a wonderful thing to be a representative of the Lord here on earth; the benefits are many, varying from the spiritual to the physical.
What we are to do is to live according to our calling not to disgrace the Lord who has called us into His marvelous light but show forth His praise.