We can't afford to fail Him

in HeartChurch3 years ago


10% for @heartchurch

When Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross, He vividly knew that if we got to know about the love He has for us, we would believe and become one with Him. He had faith in what the things that He did, in His delegated sacrifice for us. He had trust in us, He knew that we would become all things. For us, He died, He was buried, and He rose back to life for us. That is the faith of the Son of God in which we are to live. Have the thought in this way: envision that you have a son that would sit for his final exam and costs of the exam need some money, but you are ready to stake all things. You tell him that m, “Son, all the money we have right now is what we are paying for you to write this exam, but that is nothing, because we believe that you would be successful, and by that, things will change for the family.”

Now, your son grasp that the hope of the whole family is on him; he knows that he need to be successful at this exam; he can not just incur to let the family down. So, he will act on the faith they have in him—which will become his compel. His friends may go to party, but he will act in a different manner, because he knows that you have invested all things in him, and needs to justify the self assurance reposed in him. That life that we live now, we live by the faith of the Son of God that loved us and gave up all things just because of us.

We can’t afford to fail or let Him down. This is the reason you have to live your life in a different way, by setting your fondness on Him, on the things that is above, and not on things that are here on earth or the want of the flesh. Have determination that you wouldd walk in, and make manifestation, the full blessings of the Gospel that are yours in Christ. Live to His dream; live to His expectation; live by the faith of the Son of God!

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